Nikal® Nuclear
Nikal® NuclearHigh-Temp Anti-Seize & Thread Lubricant
A premium compound that contains chemically-pure nickel flake in an ashless synthetic fluid thickened by a water-resistant, complex soap that offers superior protection against rust and corrosion. NIKAL NUCLEAR contains a high-carbon synthetic graphite, which has the additional benefit at elevated temperatures of providing lower torques upon disassembly.
The carefully selected solids package in NIKAL NUCLEAR produce a matrix of particles that settle in successive layers. This allows the solids to serve as a lubricant, cushion, and seal. This layering does not allow welding under pressure that leads to seizure and galling.
NIKAL NUCLEAR contains no copper, lead, sulfur, halogens, or other ingredients that may poison reactor catalyst beds. It is formulated for use in Class 1, 2, and 3 non-wetted applications for auxiliary equipment in nuclear power plants.
Ideal for pipe fittings.
Contains no lead, copper, or molybdenum disulfide
Prevents seizure up to 2600°F (1427°C)
Protects against rust & corrosion
Traceability with 100% testing prior to packaging
Base Materials
Complex Soap / Synthetic
Friction /
Conforms to the requirements of NAVSEAINST 9210.36B
Exceeds all purity level standards for nuclear grade products - CERTIFIED
Service Rating
-65°F to 2600°F
-54°C to 1427°C